Lasiodorides polycuspulatus

Peruvian Blonde Tarantula

How to Say It

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Lasiodorides polycuspulatus


Lasiodorides polycuspulatus, also known as the Peruvian Blonde Tarantula, is a docile, medium-sized tarantula that is native to Peru. It has a unique appearance with a combination of lighter tan and blonde hues, and is black with a hint of mahogany brown. The segments of its legs show a beige and dirty gray color. Females are 12–15 cm, and males are 12–14 cm, and they have a slow growth rate. Females live 25+ years, and males live 10–14 years. The Peruvian Blonde Tarantula is calm but nervous, and is very hardy and long-lived. It is not normally aggressive but not to be handled as it can be skittish. Here are some other characteristics of the Peruvian Blonde Tarantula: Size: Adult size is around 6″, with occasional specimens reaching 7″ Climate: 24–26°C in summer, 18–24°C in winter


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Urticating Setae

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Venom Potency

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Keeping Difficulty

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Image Gallery

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