Missing Data: No pronunciation information available
Missing Data: No image available
Metriopelma coloratum is the binomial name for a species of tarantula first described by Carlos E. Valerio in 1982 as Hapalopus coloratus. In 2016, the species was transferred to the genus Hapalopus.
Missing Data: No distribution information available
Missing Data: No habitat information available
Missing Data: No lifespan information available
Missing Data: No temperament information available
Urticating Setae
Missing Data: No information available about urticating setae
Venom Potency
Missing Data: No information available about venom potency
Keeping Difficulty
Missing Data: No information available about keeping difficulty
Image Gallery
Missing Data: No images available in the gallery
admin: Welcome to the chatroom!
user1: Hey everyone, I have a question about the habitat of this species.
user2: I can help with that! What would you like to know?