Poecilotheria regalis

Indian ornamental tree spider

How to Say It

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Poecilotheria regalis


In the wild, Poecilotheria regalis lives in holes in tall trees, where it makes asymmetric funnel webs. Its primary prey consists of flying insects, but it will also feed on arthropods and small vertebrates. Poecilotheria regalis is considered aggressive and fast. In captivity, it is fed crickets, grasshoppers, and small rodents. Envenomation by Poecilotheria regalis is medically relevant to humans. Common symptoms of envenomation include muscle cramps and pain, tonic-clonic seizures, jerks, characteristic motor stereotypy, and hyperalgesia. Some recommend going to the hospital right away if you get bitten to get muscle relaxers. Poecilotheria regalis has Greek and Latin roots meaning “Kingly or Regal colored beast”. It has canary yellow leg bands and an impressive stature and patterning.


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Urticating Setae

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Venom Potency

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Keeping Difficulty

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Image Gallery

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